The Builder's Day is a professional holiday of construction workers. It is celebrated on the second Sunday of August. In 2012, it falls on August 12.
For the first time, the Builder's Day in the USSR was officially celebrated on August 12, 1956. This was preceded by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the establishment of the Builder's Day annual holiday” dated September 6, 1955. In 2020, this day falls on August 9. Traditionally, on the Builder's Day DEKRA CONSTRUCTION holds festive events, as well as gives out awards to the best employees.
In 2020, the collective decision of the DEKRA CONSTRUCTION employees sounds as follows: “We understand that now we cannot gather our large construction family and invite guests to the event. Now the most important and valuable thing is our health and the health of our families. We cannot act recklessly and arrange a big celebration, to which everyone has become accustomed and which everyone loved over many years. Unfortunately, due to the epidemiological situation in the country related to the spread of the coronavirus infection, this event has been cancelled.”
Among other things uniting our company's team is commitment to healthy lifestyle. We know for sure that everyone miss joyful emotions and happy smiles, therefore, at the numerous requests of our colleagues on the eve of the Builder's Day 2020, a pull-up bar was installed on the territory of the construction headquarters.