Our Head of HR department took part in the 13th conference "Management of Operating Personnel 2023". The conference addressed the issues of recruitment and development of personnel in Russia in 2023. The following trends were covered by the speakers and participants of the conference:
• a decrease in the number of candidates in the labor market (due to demography, COVID-19 and other well-known factors);
• career change takes place with increasing frequency: people are switching their occupations from construction industry to the service sector;
• an increase in the vacancy filling period from an average of 14 days to two months.
Our HR department representative, on behalf of DEKRA CONSTRUCTION, shared with the participants the experience of filling an employment vacancy; forming and improving the image of both the company as a whole and as an employer; the experience of preventing violations of the Labor Code by contractors.
Vasily Skivko, Head of Human Resources Department, noted: "We found the experience presented by Anton Popov quite fascinating. We were also glad to see Ekaterina Ivanova (UAC) and Natalia Krasnova (HSE) again".